Monday, 14 April 2014

Tips for a Healthy Lifestyle For Men

Eating more fruits and vegetables may play a role in preventing many forms of cancer. Fruits and vegetables not only provide vitamins, minerals, and fiber but also contribute to low-fat, low-calorie meals. Eating
excessive calories and fat, especially fatty meals and other foods derived from animal sources, may actually increase the risk of prostate cancer.
A possible mechanism behind this is that fat increases testosterone production, which in turn stimulates the growth of prostate cancer cells. There are certain foods which are believed to help lower your risk for development of prostate cancer. Examples of these foods include:

Soy products contain isoflavones, which are plant-based compounds that can reduce the risk of prostate cancer. Examples of soy products include– soy milk, soy flour, soy nuts, tofu, and Tempeh. Isoflavones appear to stimulate the body’s binding cells (globulins) which keep the sex hormone, testosterone, in check. The bound testosterone now exhibits less hormonal effects than before.
Tomatoes and tomato products contain lycopene, an antioxidant which gives tomatoes their red color.
Lycopene can also be found in such foods as watermelon and pink grapefruit. Antioxidants are substances which protect cells from the damaging effects of molecules such as free radicals. Cooked tomato products have higher concentrations of lycopene than raw tomatoes.


Garlic is a member of the same family as onions, leeks and scallions. It appears to reduce the risk of many types of cancers, including prostate. The sulfur compounds in garlic help to reduce the risk of prostate cancer by enhanc-ing immune function and com-bating tumor growth.

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